Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Going Natural

A about 2 months ago I made the decision to leave my relaxed hair and trade it in for my natural kinky hair. I used to have pretty dreads up until about 3 years ago when I decided to start relaxing the hair again. I undid my locks [a very tedious process might I add] and a couple of days later I had natural hair again. It was long, and full and soo nappy and hard to maintain so that's how I got relaxing again.

Now I'm at a different place. I feel a bit more mature now and less caught up by the traditional western definitions of "beautiful hair" as I was years ago. I want to and will be rocking natural hair from here on because I don't understand why I should be subjecting my delicate hair to harsh chemicals found in relaxer. At this point, I miss my full healthy hair and want to trade back. It's going to be a tough process because I actually don't know how to maintain kinky hair when it's not locked or braided!

Wish me luck!!