Sunday, December 11, 2011

Three Strand Braids Using Cheap Yaky Braids

Another braid attempt. 

This time I used those regular straight yaky braids (the really cheap ones) and did the three strand braids. It was my first time to use straight hair to braid myself and it actually came out pretty okay :)

Tied up in a braided bun

Braided to the side

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Big Chop

So I chopped it all off!

You know what? After all the reading up on transitioning from relaxed hair to natural, I realized that there was no other way out but to do the big chop! So,
I cut,
and cut,
and cut,
and cut.

It actually feels nice having all that damaged hair off my head even though I'm sometimes having those OMG moments. Being a black girl is difficult ain't it?

Stay tuned for the next adventure!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Au Natural? Oh no?!

So you know how I'm supposed to be transitioning to natural hair? Well only about an inch of my hair is actually natural the rest is still very much relaxed.

I've been trying to figure out just how to go natural and after extensive reading on other websites I learnt that these are my options;

  1. The "big chop" (cutting my hair)
  2. Getting braids 
  3. Wearing conrows under a wig
  4. Getting a full head weave 

I'm getting a bit impatient and feeling unsexy at the mo. I know I don't want to chop my hair right now because I'm not convinced I understand how to care for my hair once it's actually natural AND short! So if anyone has any suggestions about what I should do I'd love to hear them! Tonight I'm supposed to be heading to a festival and will probably rock a hat seeing as I'm obviously not uber creative with my hair. This is what I'm working with:

I can't do it!

au natural for real

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Going Natural

A about 2 months ago I made the decision to leave my relaxed hair and trade it in for my natural kinky hair. I used to have pretty dreads up until about 3 years ago when I decided to start relaxing the hair again. I undid my locks [a very tedious process might I add] and a couple of days later I had natural hair again. It was long, and full and soo nappy and hard to maintain so that's how I got relaxing again.

Now I'm at a different place. I feel a bit more mature now and less caught up by the traditional western definitions of "beautiful hair" as I was years ago. I want to and will be rocking natural hair from here on because I don't understand why I should be subjecting my delicate hair to harsh chemicals found in relaxer. At this point, I miss my full healthy hair and want to trade back. It's going to be a tough process because I actually don't know how to maintain kinky hair when it's not locked or braided!

Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Braided myself for the first time!

I braided myself Afro Twists using Marley braids for the first time in my life thanks to Youtube videos. They came out okay but not amazing. Considering this was the first time I've braided myself it's not too bad.
Lessons Learned: 
  1. Be patient with yourself and remember to take breaks. 
  2. The other thing is I need to get the hang of knowing how much hair to hold: extension hair.